Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The book I read was Beanball. Luke Wallace was the main character. He was a 15 year old all around natural athlete. He played football, baseball, and basketball. In this book he was a baseball star. He played center field; He was the best in the league and was already being scouted by college teams. They called him Luke “Wizard’ Wallace. His team was one of the best teams. The only other team that they actually had competition with was there rival Compton. It was late in the season, and they were both playing to see who would be in 1st place. Luke Wallace was up to bat and Compton had their best pitcher on the mount. He could throw a 100 mph fast ball; they said it was his big league fastball. The Compton catcher set up inside and told him to throw a fastball. The ball came up and in on him and hit him straight in the jaw. Luke fell straight to the ground: He lays there motionless and silent. At this point know body knew if Luke was even alive. Luke is brought to the hospital. He had to have a variety amount of surgery on his face. He had the fear of losing his eye sight; His whole career is now in jeopardy. After all the surgeries it turns out that he lost his eye sight in one eye. His fans, friends and family all wondered if he would ever be able to play Center field like Luke used to. It turns out he has to take some time off of baseball. He just plays catch with his dad until he is ready to play baseball again. But once he gets used to only having one eye and can see the ball better he’s going to try baseball again.