Story of a Girl
By: Sara Zarr
Her name is Deanna Lambert, she is thirteen. Deanna’s story starts with a boy named Tommy Weber. He was seventeen, cute, and her brother’s friend. What more does a teenage girl want? Daren is her older brother and is extremely protective of her. He will never forgive himself for letting this happen to her. Tommy came over one day and it starts now. He is nothing but nice and sweet to Deanna. Tommy falls for her and she was so caught up with being cool she fell for him too. They start hanging out more and more. Tommy is older and more experienced and drinks and smokes pot. She thought she could handle herself but she was wrong. One night they went for a long drive and were out late. They were in Tommy’s Buick and they were high and drunk things started to get serious. They ended up in the back of the car having sex. Her dad found where his car was since she was gone long. He caught her and that’s when her life went down. It was Tommy’s last year of high school so of course he went and told everyone about them. He said she forced him to have sex and everyone pity’s Tommy now. Deanna is now looked at as a slut. She has but two friends. Sophomore year she decided to get a job. Her brother still looks after her. She gets a job at the local pizza place and her partner is no one other then Tommy. Things start to heat up again and her brother is too caught up with his girlfriend and their baby to notice. To make it worse when everything is going wrong again she kisses her best friends boyfriend while she was out of town and tried to steal him from her. Read this book if you want to know Deanna story.
Honestly I think this was a very good book and relates to some teenage girls. I’m not one to read but this book kept me reading and I think mostly fourteen to sixteen year old girls would enjoy. I chose this book in the first place because the name was very catchy, and the book cover was very colorful. This was the authors first book ever published, Sara Zarr, the author; I think did a wonderful job writing this book. The book is fiction and was not based off a true story; it was all imagination, though this sort of stuff does happen. Now, the reason I chose this picture to go with the book was because she looked very lonely and Deanna is very lonely. The girl in the picture looks helpless which Deanna is in a sort of way. She is neglected by her classmates and her father that she loves very much. This is because everyone thinks she’s a slut, even her own father. Her father can no longer look at his little girl after he caught her that night. Also, if you look at the picture it makes you wonder what happened to her. It goes perfect with the book, since when you read a story of a girl, the first thing that you think is what happened to her? I think Deanna was girl who just needed some guidance. She made a mistake and people should forgive her and listen to her side of the story for once. I do think what she did was wrong, but no one is perfect. I think the story had a good point to it by showing girls how you could ruin your life so fast but doing stupid things. People should think before they act and then act as what they think is right.