By: Aaron Fincher
Roy Linden, a senior star athlete for the Johnstown Cobras, is happy because his team just got a new quarterback, Waymen Whitley, Roy’s best friend. The Cobras have a chance at having a winning season and maybe even a collage scholarship for Roy. Roy would love to focus football because he his so good at it but he comes upon a terrible secret that could change his life and his relationship with his new best friend.
Roy Linden is a senior high school football player and has a severe stuttering problem and can’t find a cure for it completely. But one thing that he does do to overcome his embarrassing problem is that he recites and memorizes Shakespeare’s poetry. When he does these sayings he doesn’t stutter at all and feels normal. Roy loves football so much because he doesn’t have to worry about stuttering and is a really good wide receiver and kick returner. In one of Roy’s home games he was ready to catch an opening kick off and is so good that he ran 101 yards back for the touchdown, they lost the game 49-7. But the rest of his team isn’t so good, and they haven’t won a game in a long time because their quarterback is really bad. Their Head Coach, Mr. Donaldson is old and is about to retire but Mr. coach Pitt is the exact opposite of Coach Donaldson, he is young and is a retired marine and is very harsh on the high school players, so they will do good.
But off the field he finds a big problem at his grandma’s house, he lives with granny because his parents died in a car crash when he was only eight. At his grandma’s house he finds that all her birds are dead in her back yard! This is because the water the birds were drinking is toxic. The Johnstown Cooperation is dumping harmful wastes in to the river that leads to his grandma’s way back in the deep forest. Roy immediately tells the reporter about it but he does nothing, he tells the health department but they also do nothing about it. Because Roy’s Grandma is the only one that lives back in the woods and the Johnstown Cooperation keeps on doing what they do because no one has found out before. The cooperation offers Roy’s grandma 3 million dollar to buy the land grandma wants to accept the money, but Roy says “Do you want do what is easy but wrong or what is right but hard?”
Roy and Waymen are trying to figure out a way to make the Johnstown Cooperation stop dumping waste products into the river and killing all of the animals in the forest. They must go over many obstacles and conquer them to do what is right.
I choose this picture because it represtes in the book how much the football team sucked before the new quarterback came.
The book I read Cobra Strike by Sigmund Brouwer is a very good book. I like this book because it is about football and is also a mysterious, suspenseful kind of book. Roy Linden is the senior high school player but has a terrible stuttering problem and gets mad fun of a lot for it at Johnstown High School. His football team isn’t that great but Roy is defiantly good. He is wide receiver and a kick returner; also he is the fastest runner in the county. If his team won a couple of games he could probably get the college scholarship of his dreams at Notre Dame.
I recommend this book to people how really like to read about football. Also people who like to read mystery books and have a lot of action it. The book is about how all of Roy’s grandma’s birds are dying in her backyard, and the Johnstown Cooperation has a big part in it. The Cooperation is dumping toxic chemicals into the river and all of the animals are dying because of the chemicals in the water in the deep forest where she lives. The cooperation wants to buy the land from grandma for 3 million dollars, she wants so accept the money but Roy won’t let her.
I like this book because it’s a lot about football and teaches you some life skills. It teaches that there are no shortcuts in life. Whatever situation in your life that might seem easy probably will be wrong and whatever situation that would be hard probably is going to be right. I also like it because Roy is a strong person because he could easily give up on life because he gets mad fun off a lot but, he doesn’t, he keeps on doing what he thinks is right. Like save his grandma’s home and stop the cooperation from dumping harmful chemicals into the water, because Roy and Waymen are the only ones that know what they are doing.